
Showing posts from December, 2020

Siding: The Fun Never Stops

 Can you believe I am still painting siding? I have about 20 red boards to finish for the garage and 10 gray ones to finish the soffits on the house.  I am relegated to the unheated garage in December but there is a heater blasting out there to take the chill off.  I have officially painted in every season now.

We are IN!

 Well I have not updated the blog in some time because we moved in about a month ago now.  The house is still not finished but the inside is mostly done and we wanted to be in for the month of December.  We moved in over the Thanksgiving break which is not ideal but we are here! This is what the house looks like now from the outside.  Still much exterior work to do on window trim and siding for the garage and as of today we STILL do not have a total roof done.  The big snow storm recently did not help but it should have been done long ago. The loft over the garage was not done when we had our movers so everything got put into the basement. Now that the loft is somewhat ready, we have been moving much of the stuff that will be stored up there.  So much moving of boxes.  I don't ever want to move EVER again. This is what once was my spacious basement: It's shocking how much stuff I was storing in our big old house.  We have already donated a bunch a...